How do I get help with IAQ concerns in my office (or laboratory or other work space)?

For problems with comfort such as heat or cold or stale air, please make sure that vents are not blocked by furniture/other equipment or closed for some reason. Report the problem to your supervisor who can then contact the building manager or the Facilities PM person assigned to the building to see if the environmental controls for the building need to be adjusted.

For problems related to moisture or visible mold the affected area needs to be cleaned up as quickly as possible. Staff can clean up small areas of condensation, spilled water, or small areas with visible mold. For guidance on mold see the Virginia Dept of Health (VDH) fact sheet or the EPA site on mold.

For larger wet areas or active leaks and large infestations of mold (i.e larger than the area of a ceiling tile), call Work Management at 231-4300 for assistance.

Anyone who experiences allergic or other symptoms at work should contact Sarah Owen at 231-4034 or to request an IAQ consultation.